I.AM. 睿譯

I.AM. 睿譯

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mihi vero, inquit, placet agi subtilius et, ut ipse dixisti, pressius. Fortasse id optimum, sed ubi illud: Plus semper voluptatis? Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Quaesita enim virtus est, non quae relinqueret naturam, sed quae tueretur.
週一, 08 十一月 2021 13:19


蘇花公路又坍方,道路中斷; 難得看到台灣這麼多人一起環島,可見蘇花公路對台灣人的重要性,英文要怎麼說呢?

山崩 = landslides
中斷 = snap
Landslides snapped the Suhua Highway.
snap 非常好用,意思是斷掉,常用在樹枝之類的細長脆弱的東西,例如:
The branch of the tree snapped.


週一, 08 十一月 2021 13:19


每天和心愛寵物溺在一起,想多知道與牠們相關的英文嗎? 小編整理出以下相關英文給各位大大參考哦..


1. tail 尾巴
例如:The puppy wags its tail to welcome mother home. 小狗狗搖著尾巴歡迎媽媽回家。
2. fur 毛(皮)
例如:A kitten’s fur is downy. 小貓咪的毛很柔軟。
例如:The old lady wears a fur coat. 那個老女人穿著毛皮大衣。
3. paws 肉墊(腳掌)
例如:The cat batted the toy balloon with its paws. 貓咪用它的腳掌打玩具汽球。
小小補充:「cat’s paw」除了白話譯作貓的肉墊,它也可翻作「被別人利用的人」。
例如:Steven still doesn’t know that he is a cat’s paw. Steven依然還不知道他是被利用的人。
4. claws 爪子
例如:The dog’s claws lacerated his thighs. 他被狗爪子抓傷大腿。
5. nails 趾甲
例如:Please cut Pipi’s nails, they’re too long and sharp. 請幫Pipi剪指甲,它的指甲太長又太尖銳了。
6. hoof 蹄
例如:The horse stamped its hoof impatiently. 那隻馬不耐煩的踱著蹄。
例如:Let’s hoof it to the night market. 我們走去夜市吧。
7. whiskers 鬍鬚
例如:The cat uses its whiskers to balance and control the direction. 貓咪用鬍鬚來平衡以及控制方向。
8. horn 角
例如:The handle of this knife is made of ox horn. 這把刀的柄是用牛角製成的。
9. spots 斑點
例如:Which has spots, the leopard or the tiger? 豹跟老虎誰身上有斑點?
10. stripes 條紋
例如:The zebra has black stripes. 斑馬身上有黑色的條紋。
11. scale 鱗片
例如:A fish’s scales overlap each other. 魚鱗一片片交疊。
12. fin 鰭
例如:The fish’s tail fin was hurt. 這條魚的尾鰭受傷了。

1. wag 搖擺
例如:When I come home , my puppy wags its little tail to welcome me. 每當我回家,我的小狗會搖搖它的小尾巴來歡迎我。
2. beg 乞求
例如:My dog is continuously begging me for the fried chicken. 我的狗狗一直跟我乞求要吃炸雞。
3. fetch 接、取
你有沒有常常跟寵物玩丟球遊戲呀?寵物們接球的英文就是fetch the ball,丟球的英文是throw the ball。
例如:Go fetch the ball! A-pi. A-pi,去接球!
4. roll over 滾
例如:There are many dogs run, roll over, and play with each other on the big lawn. 大草坪上有許多狗狗在玩樂、跑步和滾來滾去。
5. lick 舔
例如:The cat is licking its fur. 貓咪正在舔他的毛。
6. pet 寵物(N.) 撫摸(V.)
pet當名詞時是「寵物」,養寵物就是keep a pet。當動詞是「撫摸」的意思。
例如:The little girl keeps a snake as a pet. 那個小女孩養了一隻蛇當寵物。
例如:She petted the sleepy dog tenderly. 她輕輕地撫摸快睡著的小狗。
7. bark 吠(狗叫)
例如:What are the dogs barking at? 那隻狗為甚麼在叫?
8. meow 喵(貓叫)
例如:The hungry cat meowed and begged some food. 那隻餓壞的貓咪喵喵叫,乞求一些食物。

週一, 08 十一月 2021 13:18


端午節 Dragon Boat Festival

   The Dragon Boat Festival, also called Double Fifth Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the        lunar calendar.


The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is a significant holiday celebrated in China, and the one with the longest history. It is one of the most important Chinese festivals, the other two being the Autumn Moon Festival and Chinese New Year.

The origin of this summer festival centers around a scholarly government official named Chu Yuan. He was a good and respected man, but because of the misdeeds of jealous rivals he eventually fell into disfavor in the emperor’s court. Unable to regain the respect of the emperor, in his sorrow Chu Yuan threw himself into the Mi Lo River.
Because of their admiration for Chu Yuan, the local people living adjacent to the Mi Lo River rushed into their boats to search for him while throwing rice into the waters to appease the river dragons. Although they were unable to find Chu Yuan, their efforts are still commemorated today during the Dragon Boat Festival.

The boat races during the Dragon Boat Festival are traditional customs to attempts to rescue the patriotic poet Chu Yuan. Chu Yuan drowned on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in 277 B.C. Chinese citizens now throw bamboo leaves filled with cooked rice into the water. Therefore the fish could eat the rice rather than the hero poet. This later on turned into the custom of eating rice dumplings.

The celebration is a time for protection from evil and disease for the rest of the year. It is done so by different practices such as hanging healthy herbs on the front door, drinking nutritious concoctions, and displaying portraits of evil’s nemesis, Chung Kuei. If one manages to stand an egg on it’s end at exactly 12:00 noon, the following year will be a lucky one.



Internet Celebrity 網紅(網絡紅人)

internet 網絡 celebrity 名人, 明星
Papi Jiang is a Chinese internet celebrity known for her funny videos, where she pokes fun at everyday topics including dating, celebrities, family relationships, etc.
Internet Sensation 網紅

sensation 表示紅極一時的人或事
internet sensation 網絡紅人
With her phenomenal voice, Betty Wheeler became an internet sensation overnight.
憑藉一副超凡脫俗的歌喉,Betty Wheeler一夜之間成為一名網絡紅人。

cyberstar 網絡明星
online celebrity 網絡名人
Internet personality 網絡名人
web celebrity 網絡名人

週一, 08 十一月 2021 13:18



Secretariat 秘書室
Planning Division 第一組
Observation Division 第二組
Applied Meteorology Division 第三組
Telecommunications and Radar Division 第四組
Research and Development Center 氣象科技研究中心
General Affairs Office 秘書室(總務)
Accounting Office 主計室
Personnel Office 人事室
Civil Service Ethics Office 政風室
Weather Forecast Center 氣象預報中心
Meteorological Satellite Center 氣象衛星中心
Meteorological Information Center 氣象資訊中心
Seismological Center 地震測報中心
Meteorological Instruments Center 氣象儀器檢校中心
Marine Meteorology Center 海象測報中心
Southern Region Weather Center 臺灣南區氣象中心
Astronomical Observatory 天文站
Hualien Weather Radar Station 花蓮氣象雷達站
Wufenshan Weather Radar Station 五分山氣象雷達站
Kenting Weather Radar Station 墾丁氣象雷達站
Taipei Weather Station 臺北氣象站
Hualien Weather Station 花蓮氣象站
Hsinchu Weather Station 新竹氣象站
Taichung Weather Station 臺中氣象站
Wuqi Weather Station 梧棲氣象站
Chiayi Weather Station 嘉義氣象站
Kaohsiung Weather Station 高雄氣象站
Hengchun Weather Station 恆春氣象站
Taitung Weather Station 臺東氣象站
Yilan Weather Station 宜蘭氣象站
Su-ao Weather Station 蘇澳氣象站
Keelung Weather Station 基隆氣象站
Penghu Weather Station 澎湖氣象站
Zhuzihu Weather Station 竹子湖氣象站
Anbu Weather Station 鞍部氣象站
Sun Moon Lake Weather Station 日月潭氣象站
Alishan Weather Station 阿里山氣象站
Yushan Weather Station 玉山氣象站
Dawu Weather Station 大武氣象站
Lanyu Weather Station 蘭嶼氣象站
Dongjidao Weather Station 東吉島氣象站
Pengjiayu Weather Station 彭佳嶼氣象站
Kinmen Weather Station 金門氣象站
Matsu Weather Station 馬祖氣象站
Xinwu Weather Station 新屋氣象站
Director-General 局長
Deputy Director-General 副局長
Chief Secretary 主任秘書
Director 組長
Director 主任
Deputy Director 副主任
Chief Accounting Officer 主計室主任(薦任)
Chief Personnel Officer 人事室主任(薦任)
Chief Civil Service Ethics Officer 政風室主任(薦任)
Senior Specialist 專門委員(具專業技術)
Senior Executive Officer 專門委員(一般行政)
Senior Technical Specialist 技正(簡任)
Technical Specialist 技正(薦任)
Chief 科長
Chief 課長
Station Chief 天文站、氣象站主任
Secretary 秘書
Specialist 視察(薦任具專業技術)
Executive Officer 視察(薦任一般行政)
Specialist 編審(薦任具專業技術)
Executive Officer 編審(薦任一般行政)
Executive Officer 專員(一般行政)
Officer 科員、薦任科員
Clerk 辦事員
Associate Clerk 書記
Associate Technical Specialist 技士(薦任)
Assistant Technical Specialist 技士(委任)
Associate Technical Specialist 技佐(薦任)
Junior Technical Specialist 技佐(委任)
Chief Researcher 約聘主任研究員
Researcher 約聘研究員
Associate Researcher 約聘副研究員
Assistant Researcher 約聘助理研究員
Accounting Officer 主計員
Personnel Officer 人事管理員
Clerk 約僱人員
Senior Systems Engineer 約聘高級系統工程師
Systems Engineer 約聘系統工程師
Assistant Systems Engineer 約聘助理系統工程師
Technician 約僱技術員
Maintenance Worker 工友
Temporary Worker 臨時人員
Technical Worker 技工
Security Supervisor 駐衛小隊長
Security Guard 駐警隊員
Substitute Civilian Serviceman 替代役役男
Research Assistant 研究助理
R&D Substitute Service-Associate Researcher 研發替代役-副研究員
R&D Substitute Service-Assistant Researcher 研發替代役-助理研究員

週一, 08 十一月 2021 13:18



氣象專家表示,全台都受到這波鋒面雲系的影響,一波波的對流雲系從台灣海峽移入,預計要等到傍晚過後雨勢才會減緩…..每當有天氣變化時,氣象報導是大家最想知道的了~小編為各位大大們整理出,相關的氣象專有名詞中英辭彙對照, 希望對大家有幫助哦~

rain and snow mixed 雨夾雪
snow shower 陣雪
rain shower and snow mixed 陣雨夾雪
snow pellets 霰
snow grains 雪粒
ice pellets 冰珠
small hail 小雹
hail 雹
snow storm 雪暴
blowing snow 高吹雪
diamond dust 冰稜(或鑽石塵)
fog 霧
ground fog 低霧
shallow fog 淺霧
ice fog 冰霧
mist 靄
drifting snow or blowing snow 吹雪
drifting snow 低吹雪
blowing snow 高吹雪
snow storm 雪暴
spray 浪沫或浪花
dew 露
white dew 白露
hoar frost 白霜
ice columns 冰柱
rime ice 霧冰
air hoar 樹霜
rime/soft rime 霧淞
hard rime 霜淞
glaze or clear ice 雨淞
snow cover 積雪
snow crust 冠雪
freezing 結冰
tornado or spout 龍捲或漏斗雲
haze 霾
dust haze 塵霾
yellow sand 黃砂
smoke 煙
ash fall 降灰
drifting and blowing dust or sand 吹塵或吹沙
drifting dust or drifting sand 低吹塵或低吹沙
blowing dust or blowing sand 高吹塵或高吹沙
dust storm or sand storm 塵暴或沙暴
dust whirl or sand whirl 塵旋或沙旋
thunderstorm 雷暴或雷雨
lightning 閃電
thunder 雷聲
agrometeorology 農業氣象學
anemometer 風速計
barometer 氣壓計
barometric pressure 氣壓
Beaufort wind scale 蒲福風級
climate 氣候
climatology 氣候學
cold surge 寒潮
data assimilation 資料同化
Doppler weather radar 都卜勒氣象雷達
drought 乾旱
El Nino 聖嬰
flash flood 暴洪
front 鋒面
heavy rain 大雨
La Nina 反聖嬰
Mei-Yu 梅雨
meteorology 氣象學
monsoon 季風
nowcasting 即時預報
numerical weather prediction 數值天氣預報
rain gauge 雨量器
severe weather 劇烈天氣
extremely heavy rain 豪雨
tropical cyclone 熱帶氣旋
tropical depression (TD) 熱帶性低氣壓
tsunami 海嘯
typhoon 颱風
weather chart 天氣圖
weather forecast 天氣預報
Weather Integration and Nowcasting System (WINS) 天氣資料整合暨即時預報系統
weather modification 天氣改造
weather outlook 天氣展望
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) 世界氣象組織
data buoy 資料浮標
marine meteorology 海洋氣象學
spring tide 大潮
storm surge 風暴潮
swell 湧浪
tidal forecast 潮汐預報
wave forecast 波浪預報
accelerometer 強震儀
aftershock 餘震
Earthquake Rapid Reporting System 地震速報系統
epicenter 震央
fault 斷層
focal mechanism 震源機制
foreshock 前震
hypocenter 震源
mainshock 主震
plate tectonics 板塊運動
Richter magnitude 芮氏規模
seismic belt 地震帶
seismicity 地震活動
seismograph 地震儀
seismology 地震學
moment magnitude 地震矩規模
astronomical almanac 天文日曆
lunar eclipse 月食
meteor shower 流星雨
solar eclipse 日食
sunspot 太陽黑子
Climate Variation and Severe Weather Monitoring and Forecasting System Development Program 氣候變異與劇烈天氣監測預報系統發展計畫
Taiwan Strong Motion Instrument Program (TSMIP) 臺灣強地動觀測計畫

週一, 08 十一月 2021 13:18

每日英文 插不上嘴的英文怎麼說?

每日英文 插不上嘴的英文怎麼說?

cannot get a word in edgewise=插不上嘴

A. I tried to convince my son not to drop out of college,
but he wouldn’t listen. He went to his room and shut his door.

B.Maybe he could not get a word in edgewise when you were talking to him?

A.You are right. I should give him a chanced to explain. I’ll go talk to him right now.

週一, 08 十一月 2021 13:17

每日英文 徒勞無功的英文怎麼說?

每日英文 徒勞無功的英文怎麼說?

3.in vain
4.useless; worthless


1.This research project is a complette waste of time and effort
2.All attempts to prevent the disa….

週一, 08 十一月 2021 13:17

每日英文 風度翩翩的英文怎麼說?

每日英文 風度翩翩的英文怎麼說?

Charming; charismatic;handsome

1.He is a charming man
2.He is a charismatic man
3.He is a handsome man

週一, 08 十一月 2021 13:17


指說話說不清楚, 讓人聽不明白. 說話沒有邏輯性


speak or talk intelligibly or incoherently

A: *&^(%*)*($&
B:You are speaking intelligibly.
Slow donw and try again

第 2 頁,共 25 頁

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