週一, 08 十一月 2021 12:33



46. That was close. 好險!
Did you see that? I was almost hit by the car! That was really close!
47. Don’t play dumb. 別裝傻
48. Don’t give me that! 少給我來這套!
49. I’m stuffed. 我好飽
*補充*如果想要表達很餓的話,可以說 I’m starving! 或是 I can eat a horse.
50. I’m behind my work. 我的工作進度落後
51. It’s pain in the neck. 那真是件麻煩事、真的很討厭
Son, I don’t want to be a pain in the neck, but you really need to clean your room up!
52. You lucky bastard! 你真是狗屎運!
53. Wise up. 別傻了
Don’t be silly 也有同樣的意思
A: The boss promised to give us the bonus this year, didn’t he?
A: 老闆答應今年會給我們分紅獎金,對吧?
B: Don’t be silly! He is not being serious.
B: 別傻了!他只是說說而已!
54. I’m sitting on the fence. 保持中立
55. I’m dead meat! 我死定了
I have just failed my final exam. I’m dead meat now.
56. Let’s go dutch. 我們平分吧
去餐廳吃完飯要結帳時,如果是要跟朋友平分費用,就可以使用 go dutch 哦!
57. Sort of. 大概吧、算是吧
58. Suit yourself. 隨便你
Suit yourself 屬於比較不耐煩的口氣,像是“隨你開心”這種感覺
59. Told you. 早就跟你說了吧!
60. That’s rubbish. 胡說!
61. Why bother? 何苦呢?不必麻煩了
62. He’s a night owl! 他是個夜貓子
63. You’re photogenic. 你很上相
64. You’ve got some nerves! 你真大膽
65. Believe it or not. 信不信由你
66. What’s in it for me? 我有什麼好處?
67. Great minds think alike. 英雄所見略同
68. Can you spot me? 可以先幫我墊錢嗎?
69. My fingers are all thumbs. 我笨手笨腳
70. You’re so lame! 你真遜!

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