週一, 08 十一月 2021 12:33



31. You owe me one. 你欠我一次人情
32. I can’t help it. 我情不自禁
33. It depends. 看狀況
A: Would you like to have children in the future?
B: Well, it depends.
34. You ask for it! 你自討苦吃!
35. Don’t fall for it! 別上當
36. Don’t let me down 別讓我失望
其實就是 disappointed 的意思。也可以說 Don’t disappoint me.
37. I beg your pardon? 請你再說一遍
*延伸* 【超實用】聽不清楚、聽不懂對方英文時該怎麼說?掌握菜英文也能和老外溝通順利的秘訣!
38. It’s a long story. 說來話長
A: Why did she end up breaking up with Tim? I though they’re going to get married in the near future!
A: 她怎麼會跟提姆分手?我以為他們就快要結婚了!
B: Well, it’s a long story.
B: 說來話長。
39. The walls have ears. 隔牆有耳
40. Don’t give me that! 少來這套
41. Go for it! 加油
也可以說 Try your best 或是 Give it a try
42. I’m flattered 過獎了
當有人稱讚你時,為了表示禮貌,可以回說 I’m flattered! 或是 I appreciate that 我感謝你這麼說
A: You’re the best leader I’ve ever met.
A: 你是我見過最厲害的領導人
B: Thank you. I’m flattered.
B: 謝謝!您過獎了
43. So far, so good 目前為止,一切都好
44. Be my guest 請便、別客氣
45. Let’s get to the point 我們講重點吧

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