週一, 08 十一月 2021 13:09

關務業務中英文詞彙對照表 徵課類 I


關務業務中英文詞彙對照表 徵課類 I

1 徵課類 無障礙通關環境 a barrier-free Customs environment
2 徵課類 依規定格式申請復查 a review application in the prescribed form
3 徵課類 從價稅 ad valorem duty
4 徵課類 行政救濟 administrative relief
5 徵課類 廣告品 advertising matter
6 徵課類 補稅金額 amount of duty to be recovered (or made up)
7 徵課類 訴願案件 appeal case
8 徵課類 抵達(港埠)報告 arrival report
9 徵課類 展覽物品 articles for exhibition
10 徵課類 貨品暫准通關證 ATA Carnet
11 徵課類 貨品暫准通關公約 ATA Convention
12 徵課類 優良廠商 Authorized Trader
13 徵課類 提貨單 bill of lading
14 徵課類 載貨清單 cargo list
15 徵課類 商品檢驗合格證 Certificate for Imports/Exports Inspection
16 徵課類 原產地證明書 Certificate of Origin
17 徵課類 結關 clearance
18 徵課類 生效 come into force (or take effect or become effective)
19 徵課類 商業樣品 commercial samples
20 徵課類 貨物稅 commodity tax
21 徵課類 回償產品 compensation products
22 徵課類 權責通關單位 competent Customs offices
23 徵課類 競爭優勢 competitive edge
24 徵課類 守法 compliance
25 徵課類 複合稅 compound duty
26 徵課類 收貨人 consignee
27 徵課類 發貨人 consignor (or consigner)
28 徵課類 彙總清關 Consolidated Customs Clearance
29 徵課類 貨櫃站 container station
30 徵課類 貨櫃場 container yard
31 徵課類 管制物品 controlled articles
32 徵課類 跨區報關 cross-regional Customs declaration
33 徵課類 關稅法 Customs Act
34 徵課類 報關行(人員) customs broker
35 徵課類 通關程序 Customs clearance procedure
36 徵課類 關稅 Customs duty
37 徵課類 進口通關程序 Customs import procedure
38 徵課類 海關進口稅則 Customs Import Tariff
39 徵課類 關稅領域 Customs territory
40 徵課類 關稅完稅價格 Customs value
41 徵課類 申報人 declarant
42 徵課類 報單 declaration form
43 徵課類 勳章 decoration medal
44 徵課類 報單號碼 declaration No.
45 徵課類 滯納金 delinquent fee
46 徵課類 貨名 description of goods
47 徵課類 外交郵袋 diplomatic (mail) pouches
48 徵課類 卸(貨) discharge
49 徵課類 不服海關所為決定 dissatisfied with the decision of the Customs
50 徵課類 應稅物品 dutiable articles
51 徵課類 免稅 duty exemption, duty free (or non-dutiable)
52 徵課類 稅款繳納證 duty memo
53 徵課類 先放後稅 post-release duty payment
54 徵課類 完稅證明 duty payment certificate
55 徵課類 稅率 duty rate
56 徵課類 納稅義務人 duty-payer
57 徵課類 電子資料交換 EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)
58 徵課類 關稅法施行細則 Enforcement Rules of the Customs Act
59 徵課類 得申請退稅 entitled to claim duty drawback
60 徵課類 享有外交待遇 entitled to diplomatic privileges
61 徵課類 代辦業務 entrusted functions
62 徵課類 簡略報單 simplified declaration form
63 徵課類 船邊驗放 examined and released alongside the vessel
64 徵課類 倉庫驗放 examined and released inside the warehouse
65 徵課類 驗貨 examination of cargo
66 徵課類 免關稅 exempt from customs duty
67 徵課類 免驗 exempt from examination, free of examination
68 徵課類 出口報單 export declaration
69 徵課類 出口報單副本(抄本) export declaration duplicates
70 徵課類 滯報費 late fee
71 徵課類 可斟酌體諒之情況 extenuating circumstances
72 徵課類 製作 fabrication; making; production
73 徵課類 報關 file a declaration
74 徵課類 向海關遞送 file something with (or produce/submit/present to) Customs
75 徵課類 向海關投遞報單 filing a declaration with Customs
76 徵課類 成品 finished goods (or products)
77 徵課類 定額 fixed amount
78 徵課類 定率 fixed rate
79 徵課類 保證機構 guaranteeing institution
80 徵課類 國際商品統一分類制度 Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System(HS)
81 徵課類 健康福利捐 Health and Welfare Surcharge
82 徵課類 誠實申報 honest declaration
83 徵課類 進口貨物艙單 import cargo manifest
84 徵課類 進口報單、 進口申報 import declaration
85 徵課類 進口文件 import documents

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