週一, 08 十一月 2021 13:09

關務業務中英文詞彙對照表 徵課類 II


關務業務中英文詞彙對照表 徵課類 II


86 徵課類 輸入許可證 import permit
87 徵課類 郵遞進口 imported by post
88 徵課類 進口貨物 imported goods
89 徵課類 進口原料 imported raw materials
90 徵課類 進口商(人) importer
91 徵課類 徵收 levy a tax on (or collect a tax on)
92 徵課類 進口船隻 inbound vessel
93 徵課類 在場、陪同 in the presence of, in the company of
94 徵課類 誤卸 inadvertently (or mistakenly) discharged; discharged by mistake
95 徵課類 徽章 insignia
96 徵課類 內地稅捐 internal revenue taxes and dues
97 徵課類 核給退稅 issuance of duty drawback
98 徵課類 發證機構 issuing authority
99 徵課類 大幅降低稅率 large-scale reduction in tariff rates
100 徵課類 進出口電信器材護照 License for Import/Export of Telecommunication Apparatus
101 徵課類 菸酒稅 Tobacco and Alcohol Taxes
102 徵課類 郵件清單 Mail List
103 徵課類 海產品 marine products
104 徵課類 運輸工具 means of transport
105 徵課類 醫療器材 medical apparatus
106 徵課類 通關方式 mode of clearance
107 徵課類 起運地海關 Customs office of departure
108 徵課類 目的地海關 Customs office of destination
109 徵課類 沖銷 offset
110 徵課類 從量 on a specific basis
111 徵課類 從價 on an ad valorem basis
112 徵課類 通商口岸 open port
113 徵課類 查詢欠稅 overdue tax inquiries
114 徵課類 出口船隻 outbound vessel
115 徵課類 裝箱單 packing list
116 徵課類 細項 particulars
117 徵課類 免驗通關 passed without examination
118 徵課類 付稅 payment of duty
119 徵課類 定期盤點存貨 periodic inventory check (conduct … on)
120 徵課類 易腐品 perishable goods
121 徵課類 逐漸取消 phase out (antonym: phase in)
122 徵課類 港口海關 port Customs
123 徵課類 商港服務費 port dues
124 徵課類 輸出口岸 port of exportation
125 徵課類 輸入口岸 port of importation
126 徵課類 預報 pre-entry report
127 徵課類 專業器材 professional equipment
128 徵課類 推廣出口貿易 promote export trade
129 徵課類 互惠待遇 reciprocal treatment
130 徵課類 復出口 reexported
131 徵課類 退稅 tax refund
132 徵課類 放行貨物 release of cargo
133 徵課類 救濟物資 relief articles
134 徵課類 復查案件 review case
135 徵課類 海上打撈 salvaged from the sea
136 徵課類 無商業價值樣品 samples of no commercial value (n.c.v.)
137 徵課類 類、章、節、目、款、項 Sections, Chapters, Headings, Sub-headings, Divisions, Items
138 徵課類 擔保 security
139 徵課類 銷售佣金 selling commission
140 徵課類 裝(發)貨人 shipper
141 徵課類 短裝 short-loaded
142 徵課類 簡易報關 simplified procedures
143 徵課類 特別關稅 special customs duty
144 徵課類 從量稅 specific duty
145 徵課類 簡易查驗 summary examination
146 徵課類 提貨 take delivery of cargo
147 徵課類 取樣 take samples
148 徵課類 稅則分類 tariff classification
149 徵課類 降低稅率 tariff cuts
150 徵課類 關稅配額 tariff quotas
151 徵課類 納稅查詢 tax payment inquiries
152 徵課類 補發稅單 tax statement re-issuance
153 徵課類 暫准免稅進口 temporary duty-free admission of goods
154 徵課類 暫時措施(權宜措施) temporary measure (cf. expediency )
155 徵課類 過境貨物艙單 through cargo manifest
156 徵課類 助航服務費 navigation aid charges
157 徵課類 助航服務費繳納證 navigation aid charges memo
158 徵課類 貿易及外匯管制 trade and foreign exchange control
159 徵課類 推廣貿易服務費 trade promotion service fee
160 徵課類 貿易統計表報 trade statistical report (or statement)
161 徵課類 傳送、轉達 transmitted to
162 徵課類 轉口 transshipment
163 徵課類 轉口貨物 transshipment cargoes
164 徵課類 三角貿易 triangular trade
165 徵課類 加值型及非加值型營業稅法 Value-added and Non-value-added Business Tax Act
166 徵課類 提領出倉進口 withdrawn from the warehouse for importation
167 徵課類 在規定期限內 within the prescribed time limit
168 徵課類 毀損船隻 wrecked vessel
169 徵課類 核銷 write off

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