週一, 08 十一月 2021 12:26



1.the approaching typhoon 即將到來的颱風
2.after the typhooon 在颱風過後
3.be hit by typhoones 遭受颱風侵襲
=be lashed by typhoons
4.Taiwan is hit by typhoons almost every summer

strong winds 強風
blow down 吹倒
The strong winds brought by Typhoon Morakot
blew down bamboo forests in the mountain area of Tainan Country.

disaster 災害,災難
1.in disaster areas
2.serious disasters
3.disaster regions
4.to conduct disaster relief
5.if the disaster situation gets really serious
6.after the Morakot disaster 在莫拉克風災後

damage 損害,損失,毀壞
1.do damage to 對..有害;對..造成損害
2.do a lot of damage to …造成很大的傷害
3.casuse great damage 造成了極大的損害
4.redcue damage 減少損害
5.A torrent of rain came down and damaged the crops
6.Typhoons usually strike Taiwan during July, August, and September, and a lot of damaged to the island.
7.do serious damage to our environment.
8….was serverely damaged by the previous typhoon
heavy rains 豪雨
torrential rain 豪雨
accumulate 累積
rainfall 降雨量
plenty of rainfall 充沛的雨量
accumulated rainfall 累積降雨量

result in 導致
flood 洪水,水災;淹?;使泛濫
flooding 淹水
1.In 1975,the floods in that area mad 233,000 people homeless.
2.result in floods 導致水災
3.The rice fields were flooded.稻田被淹?了.
4.the August 8th floods 八月八日的水災
5.The heavy rain has caused flooding in some parts of the country.
6.Our house was flooded last night due to the typhoon
7.The heavy rains caused widespread flooding in the countryside.

in central and sothern Taiwan 中南部
southern Taiwan 南台灣
threat of poor weather
in a low-lying area 在低窪地區
in the mountains 在山區
landslide 土石流
mudslide 山崩
The mudsildes were set off by the heavy rain.豪雨引發土石流.

set off 激起,引發
Siaolin village was wiped out by landslides during the typhoon.
wipe out 消滅,徹底摧毀

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