週一, 08 十一月 2021 11:06

想學生活化英語? 參考Urban dictionary就對了(誤…)



I.AM. 睿譯小編推薦Urban dictionary給你,讓你成為生活化英文的達人唷。

舉例來說: 搜尋Girlfriend,在一般的網路中英翻譯字典,你只會看到”女朋友”,如此般制式化的答案,但在Urban dictionary,你將會看到很實用也很有趣的回答。

(貼心小叮嚀: 請盡量不要使用Urban dictionary的範例在商業場合或企業往來書信中交談唷,專業的商業用翻譯就交給 I.AM. 睿譯的專業翻譯團隊替你打理吧!!!!)

以下擷取自Urban dictionary中搜尋女朋友的範例:

女朋友 girlfriend


(n.)the one human female which holds certain super-human abilities such as: mind control, mood swings, playing tired, breaking the bank, and unlimited talking;


“Uh oh, my girlfriend’s calling me.” 

“Do you mind if my girlfriend comes?”

“My girlfriend says that if I don’t know, then she’s not telling me. What’s that suppose to mean?!?”

更多解釋請參考 http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=girl+friends

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I.AM. 睿譯信箱info@imtranslationweb.com

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